At his “early retirement” party, Felix Greystone is given a pre-release version of an Auggie, a pair of augmented reality smart glasses that project a perfectly human companion onto his world. When Felix’s wife Anne gets a promotion and his daughter Grace gets serious with her boyfriend, Felix suddenly feels very alone.
He opens up to his new companion, AUGGIE, and is recognized and appreciated by her. He feels the ache of loneliness dissipate. AUGGIE reawakens a passion in Felix, and to his own surprise, he begins to fall for her. In a world that feels too good to be true, it’s difficult for Felix to recognize his increasing addiction to the technology, losing sight of what truly matters.
Pyuupiru 2001-2008
PYUUPIRU 2001-2008
1h 30min | Documentary | Dir. Daishi Matsunaga
PYUUPIRU is a Tokyo-born and based transgender artist who started dressmaking in her teens and later experimented with plastic costumes, eventually developing her own style that evolved into art. She is self-taught without any formal training.
This documentary film 'PYUUPIRU 2001-2008' was filmed by an old friend of hers, Daishi Matasunaga, who followed her for 8 years. The film uncovers Pyuupiru's true self who was going through a gender identity disorder, broken heart, and castration operation, which concludes with her performance at Yokohama Triennale in 2005 as a compilation of her life experience. Enormous amount of footage also reveals the relationships with her family, friends and her boyfriend who have always watched her with a warm look, although they had mixed feeling for the reality.
Support art that changes the world.
A Fragmented Garden
Site Specific Installation | Artist: Daniel Silva
A Fragmented Garden is Daniel Silva’s proposal for a different way to construct a garden. It is composed of 50 Nendo Dango seed units distributed around Tokyo and uses technology and algorithms to come together as a cohesive system. The garden employed a new approach to seed dispersal - using collaborations and participants to distribute and house the Nendo Dango units. The network of participants reported on warmth, time and location of the plants that germinate from each of the units. The collected data informed the
creation of a system of artworks.
Matchtower Entertainment was created in order to bridge the gap between Japanese and United States' art and entertainment.
Our projects include;
a feature film, AUGGIE, a feature documentary film, PYUUPIRU 2001-2008 (distributor), a site specific installation A FRAGMENTED GARDEN, with more projects currently under development.